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“China’s first 9 projects smart community sports park” realizes the new era change of the sports industry

Smart sports is an important carrier for the development of the sports industry and sports undertakings, and it is also an important guarantee to meet the people's growing sports needs.
In 2020, the year of the sports industry lives and dies, Wan Houquan, the founder of SIBOASII, invited the senior management team to his office one morning at the beginning of the year, and made innovations based on the state of national sports under the epidemic and the special structural environment of the factory park. Thinking, "How to make a traditional sports event more interesting, more fun, more efficient, more convenient, and smarter"? The prototype of "9P Smart Community Sports Park" was thus born.

As a benchmark enterprise of smart sports, SIBOASII has been deeply involved in smart sports for nearly 20 years, and has rich experience and R & D and innovation capabilities.
"9P Smart Sports Park" has taken serving the public's health as its mission since the beginning of construction, aiming at the integration of sports + technology, and advocating that people live in a smart, safe, healthy and enjoyable environment for physical exercise. The project adopts the most advanced intelligent system, comprehensively uses unmanned management, cloud computing, 5G, Internet of Things, big data and other technologies to realize the all-round intelligent experience of "park venue + hardware + software + service". Integrate fitness, entertainment, sports, learning, music, live broadcast, video, interaction, training, PK, breakthrough, competition, sharing and other elements into one, creating a "new way of playing" smart sports for modern people.

On June 18, 2022, "9P Smart Community Sports Park" 2.0 was successfully completed and transformed. At present, this project has been successfully applied in many cities.

Breakthrough, 9P Smart Community Sports Park opens a new chapter
Hard work pays off, and the "9P Smart Community Sports Park" created by SIBOASII after three years of original innovation and concentrated research received a resounding response on March 18, 2023. After strict selection procedures and layers of screening by dozens of industry authorities across the country, the "9P Smart Community Sports Park" independently developed by SIBOASII was jointly evaluated by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the State Sports General Administration as a "National Smart Sports Typical Case" because of its Recognized by the industry for its originality and professionalism. This is not only a huge innovation and breakthrough of SIBOASII in terms of technology and service, but also an important contribution to the high-quality development of national smart sports.

At the gate of SIBOASI headquarters, you can clearly see a line of protruding red slogans: "Things can be done with force, things can be done right with brains, and things can be done well with heart". From a small ball game equipment manufacturing workshop at the beginning, after nearly 20 years of innovation and development, SIBOASI has become a "specialized, special and new" sports technology enterprise with a brand value of several billion. It is not just to print this passage on the wall , It is engraved in the heart and practiced in action. Under the leadership of the founder, Mr. Wan Houquan, all SIBOASI people have been dedicated to one thing for 20 years, determined to bring health and happiness to all human beings, and promote the industry to a new level with the indomitable strength of technological innovation and product research and development. To build the SIBOASI brand into the world leader in ball smart equipment field and the benchmark of China's smart sports industry.

Post time: Jul-14-2023